WordPress Excerpts and Paging

Here are a couple of tips to help you layout your articles for this web site. The first in a series I will publish to help you help us create a better site.

Creating Excerpts

The first tip is how to use the “more” quicktag to mark the end of the excerpt for your article. The excerpt is a teaser that appears in article listings for categories, tags, and searches and it is created by inserting the WordPress quicktag:


at the point where you want your excerpt to end. WordPress will read that tag and use the preceding text as the excerpt for your article.

Using the editing pane under HTML mode, you can accomplish this by clicking the button marked “more” in the toolbar, or simply typing in the code in its own line as shown above. In Visual mode, the button is immediately to the left of the spellchecker and looks like a column with a break in it.

Next, to improve readability you might want to break up your article into several pages as you will notice, I have done in this article.