6 thoughts on “Suggestions”

  1. Thanks for providing an example of how you can use your profile to promote your web site!

    Guys, if you notice, Peping’s username is linked to the web site he entered in his profile. It’s one of the perks of being registered here and posting articles and comments.

    Pare ko, many virgins at your site. Too bad it’s just coconut oil.

  2. Looks like we may all migrate to this site just wondering if the message will not all get lost because of the headings… title page? I find FB sometime very confusing to catch all the messages, specially the ones I need to read.

    Looking good and great job…

  3. hey guys….just dropped in to check this out & leave a mark. it’s looking great Pepper..Congrats to you, Nich et al

  4. Wonderful stuff!

    Congrats to our Toronto nay should be Tonto chapter??? Good to see Poli taking his role somewhat seriously… way cool dude.

    Hope to see you guys post your hunting and fishing exploits!!! Mike V. Joey F. and you too Raffy!


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