As I Hold My Breath

First 5

For fear of smelling last nites alcohol

Last nights “miting de avance” …. What am I talking about, it was just a batch gathering with a relatively small attendance no thanks in part to the lousy weather that conveniently choose to let loose while I walked the short distance from the parking lot. Drenching me enough to try 20 something year old calisthenics under the freakin hand dryer! I swear if it was the ladies room I would have just undressed and dried everything under it while the babes admired and ogled my semi nakedness. But alas, it was the men’s room and I am homophobic.

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Anyways….being the product of the country’s foremost high school institution and arguably one of the worlds better ones, we could not help but discuss the recent elections, world poverty the environment and America. What do you expect with Hoton, Pepper and Agu in attendance? I mean there had to be some substance in the conversation, unfortunately tho nothing that I could abuse. Ah but alas, there was enough beer and bar chow to satiate “El Gringo” who longed for the bulaklak, San Mig, sisig and other local delicacies that America simply cannot imitate.

Overwhelmingly gratified by Noy’s win were we, due mainly in part to Eraps late challenge that almost saw him re-elected. Heaven forbid! Of course Agu had to have the last say and gave us all 6 months to a year to eat our words. To which we countered that had Villars’ supporters filled the dots instead of checking them, his candidate may have made second and the Erap scare would have been a non-issue!

I am consoled by the fact that Gibo was the choice of most present. Indeed there are wise men amongst us. We fault not the rest of you but some things are just inborn and cannot be taught (easy boys wag kayo kumagat).

Hoton the ever wise of course brought up the fact that despite the mountains of objections against GMA, she may have the last laugh. The economy grew and was positive, GDP wise (4%), which it’s not been since pre martial law. I’m not sure FVR did not accomplish the same feat but I’m no student of the economy so fearing a tongue lashing from my dear BBZ friend I just listened.

He marveled at how BBZ (Beer Below Zero for you morons not in the know)  is in every nook and cranny in Cebu and not here, and went on to explain that it’s not just a piece of equipment but a whole process in itself that even San Mig is incapable of replicating yet! Ah indeed my friend is quite the sharp one when it comes to his beer and red whine (sic). But unlike Rocky, he kept his wife in check and extended his stay to drink with us. Now that’s a man. Rocky… paturo ka sa kaibigan natin!

And of course, speaking of Rocky, geesh I dunno what for but…. That’s what happens when you fail to show up. We wondered how Raul became Rocky. Unable to find an acceptable explanation, we surmised that since early childhood siguro, he must have been difficult kaya, Rocky na lang tawag sa kanya. We continued to talk about him so we could check his tongue for sores the next time we see him and, on the off chance, you get that… de ja vou thingy where the guys materializes out of nowhere. Then we could have said… Si raul o! Which would not have been far from the truth di ba?

But on to more substance, still non-“abusable” but by now we were getting abused by the beer, so out flowed other enlightened moments! Reminds me of Agu’s recent email with pictures of Bill Gates and what’s his face and their, oh so witty exchange. The pair would have looked like wusses in our table if they had heard the brilliant solutions we came up with for poverty, peace and leaking oil rigs.

Of course Bush and Barblack Yomama were tabled along with Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae and the fact that guys like Romi has to work double time while the guys responsible got millions in bailouts! It’s just not fair. But bro… it’s called “minority ethnic group” but sssshhhh now lest we be accused of being racists!

In a divine moment we realized that Politics is a career and a business and if any of us “patriots” thought otherwise, now is the time to change it. Martyrs in office are few and far between. Summa total, until government employees get better wages, this my friends will always be just another industry / business. Barring martyrs and other noblemen and women, do not expect your average politician to be the God send we so sorely dream of. Wake up folks, next time you vote make sure the guy has an inkling of what a balance budget is, enough foresight to know where the country needs to go and a modicum of decency to deliver a fair amount to the people and not lord it over all for themselves.

At this juncture I would have asked my astute friend George to comment but I fear he might charge me for his laway! Ay naku, te digo! We will soon see what appointment he gets and if he’ll move to Forbes or Dasma next! That’s when I’ll ask him about Noy being straight?

Pictures of the event we have, thanks in no part to Luke who did not even show. I swear section K grows by the minute and soon they will elect Luke class president. He texted me some cock and bull story about the driver and making sundo and… well… more wuss stuff! Luke… I’ll text you Hoton’s number too. Ikaw lang kilala ko na single na Andres din!

But kidding aside…. That’s why we have pictures of the event no! (Ay sorry ha =) Of course no Luke means no Alan, now I know where Peter Pan and his elusive shadow was modeled from.

The surprise came from El Capitan Dondi who did not say anything but was present like a real trooper. Unlike Darryl another section K candidate who did not even bother to text regrets or any explanation. Tristan… kasalanan mo yan. Dami na gumagaya sa iyo. Nonetheless being the last to arrive and the first to go makes him a borderline K.

Pepper was brilliant last nite and raging with thought. Maybe this was because he did not have to walk too far from the parking lot and maybe because this time he FOUND the parking lot! Not being out of breath from a long walk does wonders for some huh? Wonderful my friend, I see it’s not too late and indeed for the rest of you… there’s hope!

As for the solutions to Poverty, Peace and Oil Rigs, well it was 9 am already and I had woken up from my nightmare that was drinking and discussing politics in a batch get together! Gosh heaven forbid that ever happens! But the dream was so vivid seeing these guys and drinking too. I swear I could even taste the beer!

As for what happened last nite… if you weren’t there… you don’t deserve to know 😉


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