Annual Christmas Party 2010

The well-fed 76'ers

Our traditional mass officiated by Fr. Dennis had just ended when I arrived at 9:00 pm last night. Parking this year was not the ordeal it was last year.

(Ed’s note: Our site’s editorial policy has changed. We will now refer to each other by nicknames only to preserve a measure of anonymity.)

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Luckily, Fr. Dennis was kind enough to give me the gist of his homily. He said he wanted to point out how the social orientation of our education as Lasallians was a key stage in a master plan that is now playing out, as some of us have taken on important roles in the governance of our country.

Of course, Hans figured prominently in all the festivities but he had to decline the request to serve during the Mass. He did however, offer to keep his left hand raised so that the tattoo on his forearm could serve as our crucifix.

The old hands who would frequent our “Mount the Troops” outings at Pier 1 were present – Bong J., Johnny L., Agu E., Timmy L., Luke E., Jigs O., Butch P., Jed T., Peping D.V., Noel S., George D., Pacho L., Doc Reggie B., and Joey R.

Special guests were Gen. Sonny, and Jun A. who was flying back to Australia the next day but made sure to see us all before doing so. Jun’s pics, and those of Joey R. will be added to this post just as soon as they can email them to me or the LSGH ’76 e-group.

Also, some new faces for me this year: Bombit A., Rod A., Alan A., Butch A. arrived.

Later on, other past attendees like Koko C., Edwin B., Jed A., Peque C., and Joey C. trickled in.

In all, I was told, the headcount reached 24. Please feel free to post your corrections as comments below especially the guys whom I surely failed to mention.

The hat was passed for our usual beneficiaries and Johnny L. reported a net collection of PHP 8,000.00 for the fund.

Special thank you to Butch P. and Joey C. for providing us with a venue that would put up with our “kabalbalan” and great eats and drinks at very reasonable prices – Joey Pepperoni Fairway Towers. ‘Yan passing some link juice to your site pa!

Oh, and because Johnny Black and Glen were present too, forgive this writer for not taking notes religiously 😉 Suffice it to say, we yakked about past and future as if we were living them in the present. It was actually almost surreal or… maybe we were all just a bunch of tipsy old fogies.

To one and all: Have a great holiday and an even better new year!

On a more somber note, as I write this I received word from the e-group that Andrew C., whom many were looking for at last night’s reunion, passed today. He will be missed!

3 thoughts on “Annual Christmas Party 2010”

  1. pepper – thank you for posting. some of us may have forgotten already that we attended last night. (it’s partly your fault though – that Glenfiddich was excellent, dude!)

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